The Glest Wiki

The G3D viewer is a tool which allows the viewing of G3D files, Glest's primary model format. Both branches of Glest, MegaGlest and GAE all have their own versions of the viewers, each with different features.

Viewer differences[]

Category MegaGlest Glest Advanced Engine G3DHack
Animation optimization 3 None 3 None 1 Strip duplicate frames, strip single frames, strip alternate frames, reanimate
Animation playback 2 Can increase or decrease speed by set amounts, can reset speed 2 Can increase or decrease speed by set amounts 1 Can set the specific animation speed as you would see in the XML, can find values to use as start-time values in the XML
Background color 1 Can use any color, screenshots can use transparent background 3 Default grey only 3 Default blue only
Basic editing 3 None 3 None 1 Set double-sided, team-color, no-select flags; Can change diffuse and specular color; can link diffuse, normal (bump), specular, and custom textures; can set mesh opacity
File support 1 G3D, Particle XML, Particle Projectile XML, Particle Splash XML 3 G3D only 3 G3D only
Mesh optimization 3 None 3 None 1 Split, merge, or delete meshes, remove or weld loose vertices, flip faces
Mesh selection 3 None 1 Can choose meshes to display 1 Can choose meshes to display
Render modes 2 Solid, wireframe, normals 2 Solid, wireframe, normals 1 Solid, wireframe, normals, vertices; Can do rendering mesh specific
Screenshots 1 Yes, and can take transparent background screenshots 3 No 3 No
Team color 2 8 choices 1 Editable for any color 2 16 choices


See also[]